The single bevel knives King!! Maybe the most famous single bevel knife maker in Japan and there are many reasons for that. He forges only single bevel knives in Takefu knife village, carrying a family tradition of 3 generations and an experience of more than 30 years.

His Aogami-2, Migaki series are the perfect example of the traditional single bevel manufacturing techniques and they are produced in all types of single bevel knives (Yanagiba, Deba, Usuba, Kaisaki, Azikiri and Funayuki).

The Deba is a single bevel knife traditionally designed for filleting small and medium size fishes. Nowadays, it is used by many to break down and filleting small poultry too. Its heavy, sturdy structure allows it to easily cut small bones of fish and poultry but is not recommended on larger bones as it may chip. The 165mm size is ideal to be used for filleting smaller but also larger fish.

Brand / Blacksmith: Hideo Kitaoka
Series: Aogami-2
Knife type: Deba 165
Blade Length / Total length (mm): 170/300
Grind: Single bevel
Finish: Polished (Migaki)
Steel type: Aogami-2 (Blue-2)
Forging method: Ni Mai
HRC hardness: 62 – 63
Handle type / Material / Ferrule: D-Type / Magnolia
Spine Thickness at heel / tip (mm): 8
Blade height at heel (mm): 50
Weight (gr): 271