The original Japanese Konro grills are used in Japan and Korea but also in other Asian countries for BBQ.
Its the ideal BBQ to cook Yakitori style, but also an amazing experience to be shared on a table. Just slice pieces of your favorite beef, chicken, pork or fish and combine it with your favorite vegetables. Each member of the group can grill its own selected pieces in no time while you all sit on the table and enjoy!
Made with special natural material for maximum heat radiation efficiency and air flows on both sides that can be regulated to achieve the required heat for anything you are grilling.
The Konro grills are hand made with diatomite. This is a sediment developed over a very long time, after phytoplankton die and sink down to the bottom of the sea. In that process, any organic matter from the phytoplankton is degraded, leaving glass-like shells. This creates a very porous texture. In Japan, this unique material can be found in the Noto peninsula, Ishikawa and some parts of Hokkaido.
Its an amazing fun outdoor experience that anybody should try.
Dimensions: 46 x 35 x 20 cm (Ideal for 4 to 8 people)
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